When coms are OPEN, Click to go to Commission Sign Up Sheet

Commissions Status: CLOSED

DISCLAIMER: Prices aren't final unless said otherwise by me. It's an estimate depending on the complexity of the commission/ character.

Terms Of Service

1a. Overview:

------ ‣ These terms and conditions are subject to change, without warning. I will generally post on social media when they are updated. Please review this page each time you are obtaining a commission from me.------ ‣ I retain the rights to every image I produce. When you get a commission from me, we will discuss commercial rights which means you are free to use the image/ product for your business, HOWEVER, this doesn't mean the image is for you to claim as your own or state you own the image as I will have the original rights to every image/ product I create.------ ‣ My commissions are for Personal Use Only unless otherwise discussed with me. Up to the extent that these terms outline, you will not profit off my work unless coming to a written agreement with me beforehand. When given commerical rights, you agree that if the product/ image makes $5,000 or more a month in revenue you will pay 20% of the profit to me as I am the one who created the image/product and have the rights to my image/products.------ ‣ My clients/commissioners DO NOT have the right to mint/sell their commissions as NFT. Doing so is in violation of these terms and can and will be used against you in a court of law if it comes to that.------ ‣ All completed commissions are non-refundable. I determine what make a commission be considered complete based off the style of the commission.------ ‣ I have the right to decline any commission without question. I do try to provide feedback as to why if asked but if I don't get to your message/ inquiry please don't take it personally. I choose commissions based off my own likes and interests in what I like to work on and it most likely was that your commission is not something I am comfortable doing yet. Please also check the Commissions Info tab on my website https://kogistudios.art to see if your commission is just not a style I draw/ work with.------ ‣ Finished commissions will be put into my social media queues to be posted on a Wednesday or Sunday unless otherwise specified. Please note that the day I post it on my social media is subject to change depending on how busy the week is and when I have time to post. Finished commissions may be used as examples/promotion for my business or listed in my portfolio unless otherwise specified by me.------ ‣ Finished commissions may be posted to other websites by the commissioner ONLY IF proper credit is given.

1b. Payment:

------ ‣ I will not begin work on a commission until full payment is received OR initial payment of an agreed upon payment plan is received. Payment plans are available upon request for commissions exceeding $250 USD. (Half upfront/half at completion) This process may be flexible for returning clients, however, most likely I will keep it the same.------ ‣ Payment will be sent through Artistree. If you want to learn more about Artistree please visit artistree.io I use Artistree which is an invoice platform just like PayPal except there is no fees for Artists as this is a platform that was made with digital artists in mind and the ridiculous fees Pay Pal charges. Prices are listed in USD.------ ‣ There is an additional fee of around $1 - $5 that will be factored into your final price. (This helps me pay for monthly subscriptions of the programs I use to make art and is what enables me to do this.------ ‣ Prices listed are a baseline and can fluctuate above the list price based on complexity of the product/ image.------ ‣ Additional characters in a single commission order are +60% of the base price, with the exception of animated commissions in which additional characters are full price.------ ‣ Commissions intended for commercial use, such as streaming, will have +50% of the base price added to the final cost as a commercial usage fee. This is discussed with the client and/or outlined in the invoice if this applies to you.

1c. Process:

------ ‣ Expect a turnaround time of 1-2 months. Generally an initial sketch will be provided within the first month and updates are provided within this time frame as well.------ ‣* After closing form submissions, I will reach out to those I’ve selected for that batch via the mode of contact listed on the form*. This will generally happen within a week.------ ‣ For all commission types, you will receive a sketch for initial approval. If you must request changes I ask you to do it at this phase or at the line art phase. DO NOT do it in the rendering phase as that sets me back in my other commissions. Your time with me is respected so please respect others time.------ ‣ For all commission types you will receive a low-res screenshot for final approval. Changes requested at this point must be minor. (EX: I forgot a character’s earrings or got their eye color wrong. In these cases where there are small things I have missed, I do not mind changing them with no additional charge.------ ‣ Excluding full-style type commissions, I generally will not send further work-in-progress shots unless requested. Full-style type commissions will get an additional WIP screenshot at the flat colors phase.------ ‣ Finished commissions will be sent in their full resolution via Google Drive link unless otherwise specified. Please make sure to save the commission in your own google drive or other platform or method of choise as once I start having no storage on my Google Drive I have to delete folders and older commissions.

1d. Contact:

------ ‣ For further inquiries please reach out to me on Twitter, Discord, or via Email at kogistudios@outlook.com------
These terms of service may be used as a reference or base for others writing their own.
Last updated 05/15/2023